Client case study

Powering Nigeria.
Powering Nigeria
Powering Nigeria hero image

The Goal

SHYFT Power Solutions has developed a novel and robust IoT platform for energy management of hybrid energy systems. The hardware system they have deployed to their customers, starting in Nigeria, enables an unprecedented level of control and data collection from energy assets, covering not just the grid connection and generator, but also the renewable assets deployed at the site (solar panels, inverters, battery banks). 

SHYFT partnered with Flatirons to develop a platform that would not only provide large amounts of monitoring data in a single experience, but enable key analysis features that go beyond simple data presentation to deliver actionable insights and provide immediate business value to customers.

What we did for
Shyft Power Solutions.

Full Stack Development

Full Stack Development

User Experience Design

User Experience Design

Project Management

Project Management

User Interface Design

User Interface Design

Custom Design System

Custom Design System

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance


SHYFT’s dashboard offers an integrated monitoring experience that pulls together data from all of a site’s energy assets into a single unified platform. This kind of centralized, data-rich management experience is rare in the ecosystem. The main dashboard is the first screen customers see when logging in, and the goal was to build an experience that let users quickly gather key information and critical insights as soon as they enter the site. Flatirons needed to present a dense amount of information in a format that is easily digestible and navigable by energy companies. 


The key analysis features go beyond simple data presentation to deliver actionable insights that provide immediate business value to customers. In particular, these insights are most critically needed around the synthesis of disparate data streams, to create a complete understanding of energy systems, how they are running, and how they can be best managed towards cost and emissions reductions.



A key component of the build out was setting up detailed metrics and analytics so SHYFT can understand the behaviors of their users engaging with their platform. Flatirons provided SHYFT with an Analysis Toolkit that allows internal stakeholders to create queries to gather and sort various datasets and information they have about the site - KPIs, characteristics, events, and so forth.

Build your query Chart

This feature set provides a robust experience to solve a common user need – the ability to come to their application seeking certain information about their site or sites, and get that information quickly, easily, and with a well formatted output that can be used towards internal reporting or sharing with team members for taking action around site management.

Build your query Calendar

Custom Design System.

Flatirons internal design team provided SHYFT with a full-range of design services including information architecture, all UX and UI design, and a complete, living style guide and custom design system with iconography, typography, and illustrations.

Custom Design System

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