Client case study

Leaving your loved ones prepared.
End-of-life planningSaasB2C
Leaving your loved ones prepared
Leaving your loved ones prepared left
Leaving your loved ones prepared right

The Goal

End-of-life planning software platform KindredBox helps customers and their loved ones be better prepared for death.

KindredBox selected Flatirons to help bring their product to life from initial conception through release and iteration. To ensure a successful product launch and help the founder hit his fundraising milestones, we designed and developed a beautiful, robust SaaS platform that’s user-friendly, effective, and secure.

What we did for

Product Strategy

Product Strategy

Full Stack Development

Full Stack Development

User Research

User Research

User Experience Design

User Experience Design

User Interface Design

User Interface Design

Custom Design System

Custom Design System

User Research.

Flatirons performed substantial user research to better understand who is most likely to use and benefit from a product like this. Through surveys and user interviews, we identified user pain points, needs, behaviors, and motivations. As we designed and developed the platform, we routinely conducted usability testing to ensure all experiences were intuitive, easy to use, and solving a real-life problem. In addition, we ran pricing tests to determine a users’ willingness to pay at different price points.

Platform Design And Development.

Working closely with KindredBox’s founder, Flatirons identified the problem the product was trying to solve, the impact the platform will have on users, and what needed to be done to help the business achieve its goals. From there, we clearly outlined the product roadmap, crafted a strategic MVP, defined user journeys, implemented measurement tactics and success criteria, and incorporated user feedback.

Users create their KindredBox for the person who will be responsible for carrying out their wishes once they pass.
Users can add contacts for their trustee to notify once they pass.
Important documents
Important documents like a will, tax returns, and marriage certificates can all be stored on the platform.
After I'm Gone
Users can specify funeral wishes, end-of-life preferences, and anything else they want their loved ones to know about.
Welcome screen
Once invited to the platform, a trustee is only able to access a loved one’s information after their passing.

Custom Design System.

Flatirons created a complete, living style guide and design system. The typography, colors, illustrations, and form patterns are designed to make the experience feel friendly, simple, and secure.

Custom Design System

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