Top TypeScript Interview Questions and Answers

17 min read
Top TypeScript Interview Questions and Answers

Did you know that as of 2023, 38.87% of web developers worldwide were using TypeScript for their projects, making it the fifth most popular programming language?

As TypeScript continues to gain popularity in the tech industry, it has become a sought-after skill for developers. If you’re preparing for a TypeScript interview, having a solid understanding of the language and being able to tackle interview questions with confidence is essential.

In this article, we will dive into the world of TypeScript interview questions and explore the key concepts you need to grasp to impress potential employers. From basic questions on data types and variables to advanced topics like decorators and union types, we’ve got you covered. 

Key Takeaways:

  • TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, developed by Microsoft, and is widely used for building large-scale applications.
  • Understanding TypeScript concepts like data types, variables, functions, interfaces, and classes is crucial for interview success.
  • Advanced topics such as generics, type manipulation, decorators, and error handling require deeper knowledge and practice.
  • Preparing for conceptual questions, solving practical coding challenges, and staying updated with TypeScript updates are essential for interview readiness.

Understanding Typescript

TypeScript, a powerful superset of JavaScript, has rapidly become one of the top web programming languages. Designed by Microsoft, it introduces static typing to the dynamic nature of JavaScript, offering developers the ability to write clearer, more reliable code. This section aims to lay the foundational knowledge necessary to grasp the core concepts of TypeScript, setting the stage for deeper exploration into its features, benefits, and application in real-world scenarios.

At its heart, TypeScript enhances JavaScript by adding types to variables, functions, and JavaScript objects. This allows for early detection of potential errors during the development process long before the code is executed. By incorporating interfaces, enums, generics, and more, TypeScript provides a rich environment for coding with higher standards of clarity and maintainability.

One of the key advantages of TypeScript is its optional static typing. Developers can choose where and how to apply types, enjoying the flexibility of JavaScript when needed while still benefiting from strong typing where it matters most. This blend of flexibility and safety makes TypeScript particularly appealing for large-scale projects or applications where codebase maintainability is critical.

TypeScript is not just about adding types; it also includes advanced features such as decorators for meta-programming, namespaces and modules for better code organization, and support for the latest JavaScript features. 

Moreover, TypeScript’s compatibility with JavaScript means that it can be adopted incrementally, allowing developers to gradually improve their codebases without a complete rewrite. This adaptability extends to server-side development with Node.js, where TypeScript’s static typing benefits can significantly enhance code quality and maintainability for backend applications.

The TypeScript compiler plays a crucial role, converting TypeScript code into plain JavaScript that can run in any browser, on Node.js, or in any JavaScript engine. This compilation step checks for errors and provides useful hints, significantly reducing runtime errors and enhancing code quality.

As we dive into TypeScript interview questions, it’s important to remember that understanding TypeScript is not just about memorizing syntax but grasping how its features can be leveraged to create efficient, scalable, and manageable code. Whether you’re a beginner looking to understand the basics or an experienced developer aiming to deepen your knowledge, this section serves as your starting point in mastering TypeScript and preparing for related interview questions.

Basic TypeScript Interview Questions for Freshers

Understanding Data Types and Variables

In this section, we will cover basic TypeScript interview questions related to data types and variables. Understanding data types is crucial in TypeScript as it allows for better code organization, readability, and catching errors at compile time. Let’s explore the different data types available in TypeScript:

  • Number: Used for numeric values.
  • String: Used for text values.
  • Boolean: Used for logical values (true or false).
  • Arrays: Used for storing multiple values of the same type in an ordered list.
  • Objects: Used for storing key-value pairs or complex data structures.

In TypeScript, variables are declared using the var, let, or const keywords. When declaring variables, it is important to specify their data types:

var age: number = 25;
let name: string = “John”;
const isStudent: boolean = true;


By understanding the fundamentals of data types and variables in TypeScript, you will be well-prepared to answer basic interview questions and demonstrate your knowledge of the language.

Functions and Their Usage

In this section, we will focus on TypeScript interview questions related to functions. Functions play a crucial role in TypeScript and are essential for developing robust and scalable applications. Here are some common interview questions on functions:

  • How do you declare and define a function in TypeScript?
  • What are parameters and return types in TypeScript functions?
  • Can you overload functions in TypeScript?
  • What are anonymous functions, and how are they used?

Understanding how to write and use functions in TypeScript is important for writing efficient and reliable code. By familiarizing yourself with these interview questions, you will be able to demonstrate your ability to work with functions in TypeScript.

Exploring Interfaces and Classes

Interfaces and classes are key components of object-oriented programming in TypeScript. In this subsection, we will delve into TypeScript interview questions related to interfaces and classes:

  • What is an interface, and how is it used in TypeScript?
  • How do you declare and implement an interface?
  • What is a class, and how is it used in TypeScript?
  • How do you create objects with properties and methods using classes?

Understanding the fundamentals of interfaces and classes in TypeScript is essential for answering interview questions related to object-oriented programming. By demonstrating your understanding of TypeScript’s capabilities in this area, you will showcase your expertise in the language.

Basic TypeScript Interview Questions 



What are the different data types available in TypeScript?

TypeScript provides several data types including: string, number, boolean, null, undefined, symbol, bigint. Additionally, it introduces any, void, unknown, never, arrays (e.g., number[]), tuples (e.g., [string, number]), enums, and object types.

How do you declare and initialize variables in TypeScript?

Variables in TypeScript can be declared using let or const, followed by the variable name, optional type annotation, and initialization. E.g., let userName: string = ‘John’; or const userAge: number = 30;.

How do you declare and define functions in TypeScript?

Functions in TypeScript can be declared with type annotations for parameters and the return type. E.g., function greet(name: string): string { return ‘Hello, ‘ + name; }.

What are parameters and return types in TypeScript functions?

Parameters in TypeScript functions can have types specified, and functions can declare the type of value they return. E.g., in function add(a: number, b: number): number, a and b are typed parameters, and number is the return type.

Can you overload functions in TypeScript?

Yes, TypeScript supports function overloading by allowing multiple function signatures for the same function name, enabling calling the function with different parameter types or counts. E.g., function greet(name: string): string; function greet(age: number): string;.

What are anonymous functions and how are they used?

Anonymous functions in TypeScript are functions without a name, often used in callbacks or as arguments to other functions. They can be defined using the function keyword or as arrow functions. E.g., const log = function(message: string) { console.log(message); }; or const log = (message: string) => console.log(message);.

What is an interface and how is it used in TypeScript?

An interface in TypeScript is a structure that defines the shape of an object, specifying the properties and types that an object must have. Interfaces are used for type-checking and defining contracts within your code. E.g., interface User { name: string; age: number; }.

How do you declare and implement an interface in TypeScript?

You declare an interface using the interface keyword, followed by the interface name and property signatures. To implement an interface, a class must provide implementations for all the interface’s properties and methods. E.g., interface Greetable { greet(): void; } class Person implements Greetable { greet() { console.log(‘Hello’); } }.

What is a class and how is it used in TypeScript?

A class in TypeScript is a blueprint for creating objects. It can contain properties and methods. Classes support inheritance, encapsulation, and can implement interfaces. E.g., class User { constructor(public name: string, public age: number) {} greet() { console.log(Hello, my name is ${}); } }.

How do you create objects with properties and methods using classes?

Objects can be created from classes using the new keyword, followed by the class name and any required constructor arguments. The created object will have access to the class’s properties and methods. E.g., const user = new User(‘John’, 30); user.greet(); outputs “Hello, my name is John”.

Intermediate Level TypeScript Interview Questions

This section covers intermediate TypeScript interview questions focusing on generics, advanced type manipulation, and decorators—key features that enhance TypeScript’s capabilities. Generics enhance code reusability by allowing functions and classes to operate with various data types. Advanced type manipulation techniques, including type narrowing, casting, conditional types, and mapped types, enable sophisticated and type-safe coding for complex applications. Decorators offer a method to augment classes, properties, methods, or parameters, increasing code maintainability and extensibility. Understanding these concepts showcases your depth of knowledge in TypeScript, vital for developing robust applications, especially when integrating TypeScript with frontend frameworks like React to create more type-safe and maintainable components.

Intermediate Typescript Interview Questions



What are generics in TypeScript and give an example?

Generics provide a way to create reusable components that work with any data type. An example is function identity<T>(arg: T): T { return arg; }, allowing identity to accept any type and return that type.

How do you use conditional types in TypeScript?

Conditional types select types based on conditions. For example, type IsNumber<T> = T extends number ? “yes” : “no”; determines if a type is number, returning “yes” or “no” accordingly.

Explain the use of mapped types with an example.

Mapped types allow the creation of new types by iterating over properties of an existing type. For instance, type Readonly<T> = { readonly [P in keyof T]: T[P] }; makes all properties of type T readonly.

What is a decorator in TypeScript, and how is it applied?

Decorators are special declarations that add functionality to classes, methods, or properties. A class decorator is applied directly above a class definition without parentheses, e.g., @sealed class MyClass {}, where sealed is a decorator function.

Describe type casting in TypeScript and provide an example.

Type casting in TypeScript allows you to tell the compiler that a variable should be treated as a different type. For example, const input = <HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById(“myInput”); or const input = document.getElementById(“myInput”) as HTMLInputElement; treats input as HTMLInputElement.

Advanced TypeScript Interview Questions

This section dives into advanced TypeScript topics like union and intersection types, which enhance code flexibility and expressiveness, and touches on namespaces, modules, and error handling, including async/await patterns.

Advanced TypeScript Questions



How do union and intersection types differ in TypeScript?

Union types, denoted by the “

How can you use type guards with union types?

Type guards, like typeof or instanceof, help narrow down the specific type within union types, allowing for type-specific operations. For example, if (typeof x === “string”) verifies x is a string before executing string-specific logic.

Explain the use of modules in TypeScript for code organization.

Modules in TypeScript use export and import keywords to encapsulate and share code across files, enhancing organization, reusability, and maintainability by structuring code into modular, encapsulated units.

Describe how to handle asynchronous operations using async/await in TypeScript.

Async/await simplifies working with Promises by allowing asynchronous code to be written in a synchronous manner. Mark functions as async and use await to pause execution until a Promise resolves, streamlining error handling and readability.

How do you create custom error classes in TypeScript?

Extend the built-in Error class to create custom error classes. Add a constructor to initialize the error and use super to pass the message to the base class. This enables detailed error information and specific handling.

Tips for Acing TypeScript Coding Interview Questions

In this section, we will provide tips and guidance for preparing for TypeScript interviews. Understanding the key concepts and being prepared to answer related questions will demonstrate your depth of knowledge in TypeScript and increase your chances of success in interviews.

Preparing for Conceptual Questions

One important aspect of TypeScript interviews is the ability to answer conceptual questions. These questions often cover topics such as static typing, type inference, type checking, and the advantages and disadvantages of TypeScript. To prepare for these questions, review the documentation, read articles and tutorials, and practice explaining these concepts in your own words. By building a strong understanding of TypeScript’s core principles, you’ll be able to confidently tackle conceptual questions in interviews.

Practical Coding Challenges

In addition to conceptual questions, TypeScript interviews may also include practical coding challenges. These challenges are designed to test your ability to solve real-world problems using TypeScript. To prepare for coding challenges, practice coding exercises that focus on TypeScript concepts such as data types, functions, classes, and error handling. Online coding platforms and resources can provide a variety of exercises to improve your coding skills and problem-solving abilities. By familiarizing yourself with common coding challenges, you’ll be better prepared to demonstrate your technical expertise during TypeScript interviews.

Staying Updated with TypeScript Updates

As TypeScript continues to evolve, it’s important to stay updated with the latest updates and advancements in the language. TypeScript updates often introduce new features, improved performance, and bug fixes. To stay updated with TypeScript, regularly check the official documentation, subscribe to TypeScript blogs and newsletters, and participate in community forums. Online tutorials and courses can also help you learn about new TypeScript features and how to effectively implement them in your projects. By emphasizing your commitment to continuous learning and staying up to date with TypeScript, you’ll showcase your dedication to professional growth and demonstrate your expertise in the language to potential employers.


As we wrap up this article, let’s take a moment to summarize the key points covered in the previous sections. Preparing for a TypeScript interview is essential for showcasing your knowledge and skills in the language. By understanding TypeScript concepts such as static typing, data types, functions, interfaces, and classes, you can confidently answer interview questions and demonstrate your expertise.

Practicing coding challenges is another crucial aspect of interview preparation. By solving real-world problems using TypeScript, you can showcase your coding skills and problem-solving abilities to potential employers. Participating in coding exercises and familiarizing yourself with common challenges will give you the confidence to tackle coding interviews with ease. Remember to focus not only on finding the solution but also on writing clean and maintainable code that adheres to TypeScript best practices.

In addition to understanding concepts and solving coding challenges, staying updated with the latest advancements in TypeScript is vital. Regularly exploring the TypeScript documentation, engaging in community forums, and following online tutorials will help you stay informed about new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements. This commitment to continuous learning will set you apart from other candidates and demonstrate your dedication to staying up-to-date with the industry.

As you begin to prepare for TypeScript interviews, keep in mind that practice and persistence are key. Take the time to review the material covered in this article, work through coding challenges, and stay engaged with the TypeScript community. By following the tips and guidelines provided, you will be well-prepared to confidently tackle TypeScript interviews and stand out as a strong candidate in the competitive job market. Best of luck!


What are some common TypeScript interview questions for experienced developers?

Some common TypeScript interview questions for experienced developers include questions on TypeScript code, type assertion in TypeScript, conditional types in TypeScript, and TypeScript declaration files.

How can I prepare for a developer interview involving TypeScript?

To prepare for a developer interview involving TypeScript, it is recommended to study TypeScript concepts such as TypeScript compiler, TypeScript declaration files, type assertion, and object-oriented programming principles supported by TypeScript.

What are some intermediate-level TypeScript interview questions?

Intermediate-level TypeScript interview questions may cover topics such as TypeScript uses, converting TypeScript code, TypeScript compiler uses, and TypeScript programming concepts.

How can I install TypeScript globally?

 To install TypeScript globally, you can use npm (Node Package Manager) by running the command ‘npm install -g typescript’ in your terminal or command prompt.

What is the difference between TypeScript and JavaScript?

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing and other features to the language. TypeScript code needs to be transpiled into JavaScript before it can be run in browsers or Node.js environments.

How can TypeScript help developers in their projects?

TypeScript can help developers by providing type safety, better tooling support, improved code maintainability, and enabling the use of modern JavaScript features while targeting different ECMAScript versions.

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