Playwright vs Cypress: A Comparison

10 min read
Playwright vs Cypress: A Comparison

In today’s rapidly evolving landscape of web application testing, the importance of selecting the right automation tool cannot be overstated. With the global automation testing market projected to skyrocket to $55.2 billion by 2028, businesses are increasingly prioritizing efficiency and reliability in their software development processes. Against this backdrop, the choice between two leading frameworks, Playwright and Cypress, emerges as a critical decision for developers and quality assurance teams alike.

In this article, we will compare Playwright and Cypress to help you determine which tool best suits your testing needs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Playwright and Cypress are both powerful test automation tools for web applications.
  • Playwright offers cross-browser support, multi-language compatibility, and advanced testing capabilities.
  • Cypress provides an integrated test runner, real-time reloading, and a simpler setup process.
  • The choice between Playwright and Cypress depends on your specific needs and requirements. Consider factors like browser support, language support, and the complexity of your web application.

What is Automated Testing?

Automated testing is the process of using software tools and scripts to execute pre-scripted tests on software applications or systems. These tests are designed to verify various aspects of the software’s functionality, performance, and behavior automatically, without the need for manual intervention.

Automated testing involves creating test scripts or scenarios that mimic user interactions with the software, such as clicking buttons, entering data into forms, and navigating through different screens. These scripts are then executed by automated testing tools, which simulate these interactions and compare the actual results with expected outcomes.

The primary goals of automated testing are to:

  • Improve Efficiency: Automated testing can run tests much faster than manual testing, enabling rapid feedback on the quality of the software.
  • Increase Test Coverage: Automated tests can cover a wide range of scenarios, including edge cases and regression tests, which may be impractical to perform manually.
  • Enhance Accuracy: Automated tests execute predefined steps consistently, reducing the likelihood of human errors that can occur during manual testing.
  • Facilitate Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD): Automated testing is an integral part of CI/CD pipelines, where tests are automatically triggered whenever changes are made to the software codebase, ensuring that new features or changes do not introduce regressions or defects.
  • Save Time and Cost: By automating repetitive testing tasks, organizations can save time and reduce costs associated with manual testing efforts. According to a case study, Varian reduced testing time by 93% and testing costs by 35% by utilizing automotive testing.

What is Playwright?

Playwright has steadily gained popularity, with 59.7 thousand stars on GitHub. It is a powerful cross-browser end-to-end testing solution that allows for direct in-browser automation and is supported by most modern browsers. Built on the Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP), Playwright eliminates the need for running tests in a browser’s execution loop and instead requires an external process, such as Node, to drive it.

One of the key advantages of Playwright is its ability to author tests in multiple languages, including Typescript, JavaScript, Python, .NET, and Java. This versatility makes it a popular choice among developers looking for a comprehensive automation solution. 

What is Cypress?

Cypress is an Electron app that brings the power of web browsers to desktop applications. It leverages its unique architecture to embed the library and your code directly into the execution loop of the browser, enabling easy modification of default behavior. This integration also provides seamless functionality with the Cypress test runner, ensuring a smooth testing experience.

With its strong community backing, Cypress has garnered significant attention on GitHub, boasting an impressive 45.8 thousand stars. This widespread acclaim reflects its popularity and the confidence developers place in its capabilities.

While Cypress can utilize Node, its primary control is entrusted to a custom-injected library, optimizing its performance as an integrated test runner. It’s important to note that currently, Cypress does not have built-in support for the Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP). However, the development team is actively working on integrating this feature in future updates, expanding the capabilities and compatibility of the framework.

Cypress vs Playwright: Key Differences

While both Playwright and Cypress are JavaScript-based testing frameworks, they have some key differences that set them apart.

Browser Support

Playwright boasts support for multiple browsers, including Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit, enabling comprehensive cross-browser testing. This flexibility allows developers to ensure the compatibility and functionality of their web applications across different browser environments. In contrast, Cypress primarily focuses on Chromium-based browsers such as Chrome and Electron, with limited support for other browsers.

Language and Framework Support

Playwright offers versatility in language and framework support, accommodating developers who work with JavaScript, Python, and .NET environments. This flexibility enables teams to leverage their preferred programming languages and frameworks for test automation. On the other hand, Cypress primarily supports JavaScript and TypeScript, which may limit its compatibility with projects using other programming languages.

Asynchronous Nature

Playwright supports asynchronous operations, empowering developers to handle complex scenarios and interactions seamlessly. This asynchronous nature allows for more efficient and flexible test automation, particularly when dealing with asynchronous behavior in web applications. In contrast, Cypress follows a synchronous execution model, which simplifies test writing but may present challenges in handling asynchronous operations.

Cross-Platform Testing

Playwright provides robust support for cross-platform testing, enabling developers to run tests on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. This capability ensures comprehensive test coverage across different environments, enhancing the reliability and compatibility of web applications. While Cypress was initially designed for testing web applications on desktop browsers, it offers limited support for mobile browsers and operating systems.

Test Execution Speed

Playwright is known for its speed and efficiency in test execution, particularly when dealing with complex scenarios involving multiple tabs, iframes, or browser contexts. This performance advantage contributes to faster feedback cycles and shorter test execution times, enhancing overall productivity. Meanwhile, Cypress offers fast test execution within the browser environment but may encounter limitations in handling certain types of tests efficiently.

Community and Ecosystem

Playwright benefits from strong community support and is backed by Microsoft, which has contributed to its growing ecosystem of plugins, extensions, and integrations. This vibrant community ensures ongoing development and support for the framework, as well as a wealth of resources for developers. Similarly, Cypress boasts a dedicated community and extensive documentation, focusing on providing a streamlined testing experience out of the box.

Test Runner Interface

Playwright provides a flexible and customizable test runner interface, allowing developers to tailor the testing experience to their specific needs and preferences. This customization capability enables teams to optimize their workflow and enhance productivity during test automation. In comparison, Cypress offers a user-friendly test runner interface with built-in features for debugging, time-traveling, and interactive test execution, simplifying the testing process for developers and QA teams.




Browser Support

Primarily Chromium-based with limited others

Supports multiple browsers including Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit

Language & Framework

JavaScript and TypeScript

JavaScript, Python, .NET

Asynchronous Nature

Follows a synchronous model

Supports asynchronous operations

Cross-Platform Testing

Limited support for mobile browsers

Robust support for cross-platform testing

Test Execution Speed

Fast execution within browser environments

Known for speed and efficiency, especially with complex scenarios

Community & Ecosystem

Dedicated community and extensive documentation

Backed by Microsoft, vibrant community, growing ecosystem

Test Runner Interface

User-friendly with built-in features

Flexible and customizable, allows tailored testing experiences

Choosing the Right Test Automation Tool

When it comes to test automation for web applications, it’s crucial to choose the right tool that suits your specific needs and requirements. Both Playwright and Cypress offer unique features and advantages, so let’s explore which one is the best fit for you.

If you prioritize cross-browser support, multi-language compatibility, and the ability to automate modern web applications, Playwright may be the better option for you. With its wide range of browser support, including Chromium, Firefox, WebKit, Chrome, and Edge, Playwright ensures that your tests can run seamlessly across different browsers, enhancing the functionality and efficiency of your web app.

On the other hand, if you value an integrated test runner, real-time reloading, and a simpler setup process, Cypress may be the preferred choice. Cypress’s unique architecture, where the library and your code are embedded into the execution loop of the browser, allows for easy modification of default behavior and seamless integration with the Cypress test runner, making it a user-friendly option.

Ultimately, the choice between Playwright and Cypress depends on your priorities and preferences. Consider the specific functionalities and efficiencies that are crucial for your web app, and select the test automation tool that aligns best with your requirements. Both Playwright and Cypress are powerful tools that can greatly enhance your testing process, so make an informed decision based on your unique needs.


Both Cypress and Playwright offer powerful solutions with their own distinct advantages. Playwright stands out with its broader browser support, multi-language compatibility, and advanced testing capabilities. With Playwright, you can ensure cross-browser compatibility for your web applications and write tests in the language that best suits your team’s needs.

On the other hand, Cypress offers an integrated test runner, real-time reloading, and a simpler setup process. Its unique architecture allows for seamless interaction with the test runner and easy customization of default behavior. With Cypress, you can quickly get started with your test automation and benefit from its user-friendly features.

If you prioritize broad browser support and advanced testing capabilities, Playwright may be the right test automation tool for you. However, if you value an integrated test runner and a simpler setup process, Cypress might be the preferred option. Consider your team’s needs and functionalities required for your web applications to make an informed decision and streamline your test automation process.

If you’d like help with testing your web application, read more about Flatirons’ quality assurance testing services.


What is the difference between Playwright and Cypress?

Playwright and Cypress are both testing frameworks used for browser automation, but they differ in their approach and features.

When should I choose Playwright over Cypress?

You may choose Playwright if you need to test across multiple browser engines and domains, or if you prefer a more versatile API.

Why would I choose Cypress instead of Playwright?

Cypress offers a seamless testing experience specifically tailored for UI testing of web apps and has a simpler syntax compared to Playwright.

Can I use Playwright and Cypress together in the same project?

Yes, developers and testers can utilize both Playwright and Cypress in the same project based on specific testing requirements.

Which framework automatically handles multiple pages and domains, Playwright or Cypress?

Playwright handles testing across multiple pages and domains more efficiently compared to Cypress.

Is browser automation supported in both Playwright and Cypress?

Yes, both Playwright and Cypress support browser automation to run tests on various browser engines.

What is an example of a test scenario that can be executed using Cypress?

An example could be testing the functionality of a login page on a web application using Cypress.

How does Cypress differ from other testing tools like Selenium?

Cypress does not require a WebDriver like Selenium does, offering a more seamless experience for developers and testers.

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