Introducing Auto-Correct to Flatirons Fuse

Flatirons Fuse
2 min read
auto-correct csv import

What is Auto-Correct on Flatirons Fuse?

Flatirons Fuse Auto-Correct is a dynamic feature that takes your CSV import experience to the next level. With Auto-Correct, you can now define rules to automatically correct issues in uploaded CSV files. Some examples of things you can do with Auto-Correct include:

With Auto-Correct, users can now define transformations for individual columns, automating the process of adjusting field values according to their preferences.

How Does It Work?

Define Transformations:

Effortless Auto-Correction:

We show a tooltip with the counter of how many fields we auto-corrected based on the applied transformation for different columns.

Why Choose Flatirons Fuse Auto-Correct?

User-Friendly Experience with Tooltip Insights

We understand the importance of transparency and visibility in your data workflows. That’s why Flatirons Fuse includes a tooltip feature in the “Review” step. This tooltip not only showcases the applied transformations but also provides a real-time counter, giving you instant insights into the impact of your chosen corrections.

Get Started with Flatirons Fuse Auto-Correct Today

Embrace the future of CSV imports with Flatirons Fuse Auto-Correct. Make data transformation a breeze and elevate your data management experience. Ready to explore the possibilities? Dive into the enhanced features of Flatirons Fuse today.

Professional CSV Import Solution

Flatirons Fuse is an enterprise-grade, embeddable CSV import solution.

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Professional CSV Import Solution

Flatirons Fuse is an enterprise-grade, embeddable CSV import solution.

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