What Is Mobile App Development Outsourcing?

8 min read
What Is Mobile App Development Outsourcing?


By 2029, the global business process outsourcing industry will reach a value of $293.6 billion. Part of this growth comes from the increasing demand for efficient and cost-effective ways of developing software, particularly mobile applications. 

Businesses already have to do too much in-house, from customer service to marketing and everything in between. It’s only natural that mobile app development outsourcing would become an attractive option for such businesses. 

But before you reach out to a mobile app development company, you should know what outsourcing mobile app development entails. What are its benefits? How do you choose between hundreds of mobile app development companies? We answer all your questions below. 

The Evolution of Outsourcing in Mobile App Development

In the early 2000s, when mobile phones first started to gain popularity, companies primarily did mobile app development in-house. Those apps were much more straightforward. They also lacked the sophistication of today’s mobile apps.

As time passed, we saw the rise of two leading app stores: the Apple App Store and Google Play. These two tech giants set the grounding principles for mobile application development as a whole. They also created their dedicated Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for mobile app development.

Such advancements created the need for a specialized team of mobile app developers in every company. However, this was not a feasible option for many businesses. The result? Many companies turned to outsourcing.

If they couldn’t develop mobile apps in-house, companies would hire an external mobile app development company to help them. The trend only grew as the complexity and demand for mobile apps increased. Now that we’re seeing a rise in personalization, mobile apps will have to be even more user-centric. Again, that would require assistance from external mobile app developers who keep up with the dynamic trends in the mobile app industry.

Key Benefits of Mobile App Development Outsourcing

A key reason for mobile app development outsourcing being as big as it is today is its benefits. The perks are too attractive to ignore. Let’s take a look. 

Lower Development Costs

The cost of outsourcing mobile app development is often lower than hiring an in-house team. Let’s explain.

First, in-house custom mobile app development requires the recruitment of a development team. You must hire designers, project managers, UI/UX specialists, and quality assurance teams. That’s a considerable chunk of human resources to invest in.

Then come operational expenses. You must pay for office space, equipment, utilities, overhead expenses, etc. You also have to offer employee benefits and other remuneration perks.

As we mentioned earlier, the app development market is constantly evolving. That means developers need to upskill and reskill with time. If you have house teams, you must invest in their constant training and development. That’s another cost.

On the other hand, when you outsource mobile app development, you can bypass many of these costs. You get access to a team of experts with specialized skills and experience. The outsourcing company handles their training, salaries, and other expenses. You only have to pay for their services.

Also, you can further lower your development costs by outsourcing to countries with lower labor costs, such as Western Europe or Latin America. Doing so lets you create an app at a fraction of what you’d have to pay your permanent employees.

However, working with an offshore team comes with the hassle of time differences and language barriers. In this regard, working with a nearshore outsourcing company may be more beneficial for some companies. 

Faster Time to Market

Imagine the following situations:

Do you see the difference? The latter is one of the most prominent benefits of outsourcing mobile app development. Faster time to market means you can launch your app sooner for a competitive advantage. 

Enhanced Expertise and Access to Technology

Recent studies show that most skills your current workplace has will become obsolete in the future. Unless you constantly upskill your in-house team, they may not have the latest tools and technologies to develop a high-quality app a few years down the line. 

On the other hand, software companies that offer mobile app development services invest heavily in employee training to keep them updated with the latest technology. So, when you outsource mobile development, you get the most up-to-date skills and technology. As a result, your apps will always be futuristic. 

Reduced Risks and Improved Quality

Software development outsourcing also reduces risks and guarantees quality. When you work with a reputable software company, they will likely have a dedicated team. The team would include quality assurance experts who will thoroughly test your app before launch. Most outsourcing agencies also use agile methodologies for better quality control. 

For instance, at Flatirons, our team has quality assurance professionals to ensure your app functions smoothly. We also get user feedback to keep the final product in line with your audience’s needs. Our cross-platform development services further let you increase your ubiquity and reach a wider audience.

The Mobile App Development Process in Outsourcing

The outsourcing process in mobile app development begins with scoping and analyzing your project requirements. You start by sharing your project’s goals, business analysis insights, and functionality requirements with the potential outsourcing partner. 

Based on this, the software company will provide a quote. After you agree to proceed with them, the project begins. Your outsourcing partner will give you a project completion timeline, including milestones and deadlines. 

The next stage is project planning and design. Here, the mobile app development partner will create wireframes and mockups to give you an idea of what your app would look like. If you approve the designs, they start with coding.

During coding, they will set milestones and send you regular updates on the progress. You can always give your input. 

After coding comes testing and quality checking. In this phase, the outsourcing team will test various aspects, such as functionality and device compatibility. Finally, it’s time for deployment. 

The outsourcing partner will submit your app to the respective app store, be it Android, Apple, or Windows. They will also assist with web and mobile app maintenance in the long run. 

How To Choose the Right Development Partner

You must select the right development partner for the steps above to run smoothly. Here are some factors to look for in a potential outsourcing partner:

While mobile app development outsourcing can be cheaper than hiring a development team full-time, you still have a budget to consider. Compare pricing packages from different outsourcing companies. Some offer fixed-price packages for specific services, while others charge by the hour. Choose the option that works best for you. 

Outsource Your Mobile App Development Today

Do you want to create a mobile app without the hassle of building an in-house development team? Outsource your app development to Flatirons for a seamless experience developing custom mobile apps. 

When you work with us, you don’t only get access to developers. Our team includes quality assurance experts, project managers, designers, and support specialists. That means we take your app from conception to deployment and beyond (maintenance and support), assisting you at every step. 

We cater to a range of industries, including legal, tech, healthcare, finance, real estate, and more. Get in touch to learn more about our expertise in developing mobile applications. 

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