tRPC vs GraphQL: Which API Is Best for You?

11 min read
tRPC vs GraphQL: Which API Is Best for You?

Building robust and efficient APIs is crucial for software development. According to recent industry data, the global API market is projected to reach $267 billion by 2025, underscoring the growing importance of effective API technologies in powering modern applications. When choosing an API technology, factors such as project complexity, number of endpoints, expected traffic, and client requirements should be considered.

In this article, we will compare tRPC and GraphQL to help determine which API technology is best for your project.

Key Takeaways:

  • GraphQL and tRPC are two popular API technologies for client-server communication.
  • GraphQL is a query language and runtime for APIs, offering flexible querying and efficient data transfer.
  • tRPC is a lightweight RPC framework that provides simplicity, performance, and scalability.
  • GraphQL is suitable for applications that require precise data fetching and integration with existing systems.
  • tRPC is ideal for high-traffic projects that need efficient client-server communication and ease of use.

What is tRPC?

tRPC is a lightweight and fast open-source remote procedure call (RPC) framework that enables efficient communication between client and server applications. It automates the serialization and deserialization of data using Protocol Buffers, making data transfer more efficient and reducing bandwidth usage. tRPC also provides automatic code generation for clients and servers, simplifying the development process.

Some notable features of tRPC include:

Why Choose tRPC for your API Development

tRPC offers numerous benefits that make it a compelling choice for API development. Its ease of use, performance, scalability, and automatic code generation capabilities make it a valuable tool for high-traffic projects.

One of the key advantages of tRPC is its simplicity and straightforward API syntax. With its intuitive design, developers can easily understand and implement tRPC in their projects without unnecessary complexity or steep learning curves.

The performance and scalability of tRPC are truly impressive. Built with efficiency in mind, tRPC excels at handling high-traffic scenarios, ensuring smooth and fast communication between the client and server. This results in improved user experience and reduced latency, even under heavy loads.

An important time-saving feature of tRPC is its automatic code generation. This feature eliminates the need for manual code writing, reducing development time and potential errors. By automatically generating client and server code based on the API schema, tRPC streamlines the development process and promotes code consistency.

tRPC utilizes Protocol Buffers and HTTP/2, further enhancing its efficiency and speed. Protocol Buffers enable efficient data serialization and deserialization, minimizing network overhead and improving performance. Meanwhile, HTTP/2 provides enhanced multiplexing and reduced latency, resulting in faster and more reliable communication between the client and server.

Summary of tRPC Benefits



Ease of use

tRPC offers a simple API syntax and intuitive design, making it easy for developers to get started.


tRPC is optimized for high-traffic projects and ensures fast and efficient communication between client and server.


tRPC can handle heavy loads and scales seamlessly to accommodate growing traffic demands.

Automatic code generation

tRPC automatically generates client and server code based on the API schema, reducing development time and potential errors.

Protocol Buffers and HTTP/2

tRPC utilizes Protocol Buffers for efficient data serialization and deserialization, and HTTP/2 for enhanced communication speed.

By choosing tRPC for your API development needs, you can benefit from its user-friendly approach, impressive performance, scalability, and time-saving automatic code generation. The use of Protocol Buffers and HTTP/2 further enhances its efficiency, enabling your application to deliver a seamless and responsive user experience.

Drawbacks of using tRPC

While tRPC comes with several benefits, it also has some limitations that developers should be aware of. These drawbacks include:

It is important to consider these limitations when evaluating whether tRPC is the right choice for your project. While tRPC offers simplicity, performance, and scalability, the challenges of configuration, limited language support, and framework compatibility may impact its suitability in certain scenarios.

Suitable projects for tRPC

If you’re working on a high-traffic project that requires efficient client-server communication, tRPC is an excellent choice. Its lightweight nature and seamless integration with TypeScript projects make it a versatile tool for various use cases.

tRPC’s performance and scalability make it especially well-suited for projects with heavy API usage. Whether you’re handling a large volume of requests or processing complex data, tRPC can handle the challenge with ease.

However, it’s important to note that integrating tRPC with unsupported frameworks may require additional development time and effort. It’s crucial to consider the compatibility of tRPC with your chosen tech stack before diving in.

What is GraphQL?

GraphQL is a powerful query language and runtime for APIs. It revolutionizes the way clients interact with servers by allowing them to precisely specify the data they need, reducing over-fetching and under-fetching.

At the heart of GraphQL is its schema, which defines the available data and the structure of the API. This schema acts as a contract between the client and the server, enabling flexibility and efficiency in data retrieval.

One of the notable features of GraphQL is its strong type system. By defining custom types and fields, developers can ensure that data is retrieved and returned in a consistent and predictable manner.

GraphQL offers a flexible query system, allowing clients to request only the specific data they require. This granular approach to data fetching results in faster and more efficient API calls.

In addition, GraphQL supports real-time data through subscriptions, enabling clients to receive updates as they happen. This capability is particularly valuable in applications that require real-time updates, such as chat apps or live data dashboards.

GraphQL also excels in its ability to interoperate with existing systems. It can seamlessly integrate with databases, other APIs, and legacy systems, making it a versatile choice for building modern applications.

Why you should use GraphQL

GraphQL offers several benefits for API development. It provides efficient data transfer over the network by fetching only the requested data, resulting in improved performance. With GraphQL’s flexible querying system, clients can easily fetch the exact data they need, making data retrieval more efficient and reducing unnecessary data transfer.

Another advantage of GraphQL is its great developer experience. It features an easy-to-understand schema and automatic documentation generation, making it easier for custom web developers to understand and work with the API. By providing clear and concise documentation, developers can quickly explore and consume the API, reducing the time spent on API discovery and integration.

Furthermore, GraphQL is known for its ease of learning. Its query language is intuitive and allows developers to express complex data requirements in a simplified manner. This ease of learning enables developers to quickly adopt and start using GraphQL in their projects, enhancing overall development speed and productivity.

Another key advantage of GraphQL is its widespread adoption and support from the developer community. Many companies, including prominent tech giants like Facebook and GitHub, have embraced GraphQL as their preferred API technology. This widespread adoption ensures a robust ecosystem of tools, libraries, and resources that developers can leverage when using GraphQL, making it a reliable and well-supported technology.

Drawbacks of using GraphQL

While GraphQL offers many advantages, it’s important to consider its drawbacks as well. Here are some common drawbacks of using GraphQL:


Choosing the right technology is paramount to the success of your project. As we’ve explored, both tRPC and GraphQL offer unique strengths and considerations for developers. tRPC stands out for its simplicity, performance, and scalability, making it an excellent choice for high-traffic projects that demand efficiency and ease of use. On the other hand, GraphQL’s flexibility, precise data fetching capabilities, and robust ecosystem make it a compelling option for applications requiring dynamic data querying and real-time updates.

Ultimately, the decision between tRPC and GraphQL hinges on various factors such as project requirements, development team expertise, and scalability needs. By carefully evaluating the trade-offs and aligning technology choices with project goals, developers can ensure the successful delivery of modern and efficient APIs that power the next generation of applications.

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What is the difference between tRPC and GraphQL?

tRPC is a framework for creating type-safe APIs using TypeScript, while GraphQL is a query language and runtime for executing those queries. tRPC offers end-to-end type safety, whereas, with GraphQL, type safety is introduced only in the language layer.

When should I choose tRPC over GraphQL?

If you are building a backend with TypeScript, tRPC is a great choice due to its first-class TypeScript support and simplicity. On the other hand, if you need a more flexible and powerful query language for your frontend application, GraphQL might be a better fit.

What are the main benefits of using GraphQL over tRPC?

GraphQL enables clients to request only the data they need with a single query, which can reduce over-fetching and improve performance. It also has become a popular choice for building APIs and has a larger community and ecosystem compared to tRPC.

How does tRPC compare to traditional REST APIs?

tRPC offers a modern and type-safe alternative to traditional REST APIs, providing a similar developer experience to GraphQL with its end-to-end type safety. Unlike with REST, you can benefit from strong type guarantees throughout the stack when using tRPC.

Is tRPC suitable for a web application or only for backend development?

tRPC can be used for both backend and web application development, as it offers a full-stack approach with type safety on both the server and client sides. This makes it a versatile choice for building web applications and backend services.

Can I use tRPC and GraphQL together in the same project?

While it’s technically possible to use both tRPC and GraphQL in the same project, it may introduce complexity and redundancy. It’s recommended to evaluate the specific requirements of your project and choose the most suitable API approach.

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