Firebase vs Supabase: Choosing the Right Tool for Your Project

8 min read
Firebase vs Supabase: Choosing the Right Tool for Your Project

Choosing the right backend platform is crucial for the success of your project. Two options in the market are Firebase and Supabase. In a recent survey, 6.44% of all developers who responded use Firebase, in comparison to 2.77% using Supabase. In this article, we will compare their features, pricing, and scalability to help you make an informed decision.

Key Takeaways:

  • Consider your project requirements and development preferences when choosing between Firebase and Supabase.
  • Firebase, offers a range of tools for mobile and web developers, including real-time data storage, authentication, and cloud functions.
  • Supabase is an open-source alternative that uses PostgreSQL as its database technology and allows writing custom functions using PL/pgSQL.
  • Both platforms offer NoSQL databases, authentication services, and serverless functions, but Firebase has a more abstracted approach while Supabase offers more control.
  • Evaluate factors such as data storage, authentication, real-time capabilities, customization, and community support when making your decision.


Firebase and Supabase are two popular choices for backend services in app development. Firebase, owned by Google, started as a real-time database API and evolved into a full-fledged Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform. Supabase is an open-source alternative that uses PostgreSQL, a relational database management system. In this section, we will delve deep into what each platform offers and compare them side by side.


Firebase is a comprehensive backend platform that offers a wide range of features tailored specifically for mobile and custom web development. Its core feature, Firestore, is a real-time NoSQL database that allows you to store and retrieve data seamlessly.

In addition to Firestore, Firebase provides several other essential services:

Firebase’s pricing plans are designed to accommodate various development needs, making it suitable for both small-scale projects and large enterprise applications. The platform offers a free tier for starters and developers, while also providing flexible pricing options for businesses with higher demands.

With Firebase’s scalable infrastructure, your applications can handle high levels of traffic without compromising performance. Firebase’s powerful backend services ensure that your application remains responsive and reliable, regardless of the user load.




Firestore, Authentication, Storage, Cloud Functions

Free tier available, flexible pricing options

Scalable infrastructure to handle high traffic


Supabase is an open-source alternative to Firebase that leverages the power of PostgreSQL as its underlying database technology. With Supabase, developers have access to a robust SQL-based query language, offering unparalleled flexibility for data management.

One of the standout features of Supabase is its support for custom functions using PostgreSQL’s PL/pgSQL language. This allows developers to add custom business logic and complex workflows to their applications, tailoring them to specific requirements.

Supabase offers a free plan that comes with generous limitations, making it an attractive option for developers looking to get started without any upfront costs. For those requiring greater scalability and additional features, Supabase also offers paid plans at competitive pricing.

Supabase Features:

Firebase vs Supabase

When comparing Firebase and Supabase, there are several key factors to consider in order to make an informed decision for your project. Let’s take a closer look at these two backend platforms:

Data Storage

Firebase offers Cloud Firestore, a NoSQL database that allows you to store and retrieve data in real-time. Supabase, on the other hand, utilizes a Postgres-based database, which is a relational database management system offering powerful SQL-based query capabilities.


Both Firebase and Supabase provide authentication services, allowing you to easily manage user authentication and authorization for your applications.

Real-time Capabilities

Both platforms offer real-time capabilities, allowing you to build applications that can instantly update and synchronize data across devices as changes occur.

Serverless Functions

Both Firebase and Supabase support serverless functions, which enable you to execute custom logic on the server without the need for managing or provisioning servers.

Customization and Control

Firebase takes a more abstracted approach, providing you with a pre-built set of services and features. Supabase, on the other hand, offers more control and transparency, allowing you to customize and extend functionalities using PostgreSQL’s PL/pgSQL language.

Community and Ecosystem

Firebase has a larger community and a well-established ecosystem, providing an extensive range of resources, tutorials, and community support. However, Supabase is gaining traction and actively expanding its capabilities, with a growing community and an evolving ecosystem.

Pricing and Scalability

Both Firebase and Supabase offer pricing plans to accommodate various project needs. Firebase offers a flexible pricing model based on usage, while Supabase provides a generous free plan and additional paid plans for greater scalability and additional features.

Ultimately, the choice between Firebase and Supabase depends on your specific project requirements and development preferences.




Relational Database


No (NoSQL)

Custom Functions


Yes (Cloud Functions)





Free and Paid Plans

Free and Paid Plans


When it comes to choosing between Firebase and Supabase for your backend development, it all boils down to your specific project requirements and development preferences. Both platforms offer a robust set of features to power your app, but each has its own strengths that might align better with your needs.

If you prioritize a seamless and scalable data storage solution, Firebase’s Cloud Firestore might be the right choice for you. On the other hand, if you prefer the flexibility and power of a PostgreSQL-based database, Supabase can fulfill your needs. Consider your data storage needs and evaluate which platform aligns better with your project.

Authentication and real-time capabilities are also crucial factors to consider. Both Firebase and Supabase provide such features, but Firebase offers a more abstracted approach while Supabase gives you more control and transparency. Think about how important customization and control are to your project and make a choice accordingly.

Lastly, community support and ecosystem play a significant role in the success of any technology. Firebase has a larger and more mature community with a wide range of resources, while Supabase is growing and actively expanding its capabilities. Evaluate the level of community support you need and consider the long-term sustainability of both platforms.

Ultimately, it is recommended that you evaluate the pros and cons of each platform and experiment with both to determine which one best suits your project’s needs. Understanding your project requirements, exploring both Firebase and Supabase, and aligning them with your development preferences will lead you to the right backend choice for your project.


What is the difference between Firebase and Supabase?

Firebase is a platform developed by Google, offering a variety of backend services for mobile and web applications, while Supabase is an open-source alternative providing features for building backend infrastructure.

How do developers use Firebase for backend services?

Developers use Firebase for backend services by integrating it with their applications to utilize features such as Firestore for database management, authentication, cloud functions, and hosting.

What are the key features of Supabase and how does it compare to Firebase?

Supabase offers a relational database, authentication, real-time subscriptions, and storage, and is often compared to Firebase as an open-source alternative with similar functionalities, but with a different pricing model and approach.

What factors should be considered when choosing between Supabase and Firebase for a project?

When choosing between Supabase and Firebase, developers should consider their project requirements, scalability, pricing, and the need for proprietary or open-source solutions.

Can I switch from using Firebase to Supabase for my project?

Yes, it is possible to switch from using Firebase to Supabase for your project by making necessary adjustments and configurations to accommodate the change in backend service providers.

How does Firebase handle user authentication?

Firebase provides user authentication using its Firebase Authentication service, which supports various authentication methods such as email/password, phone number, and third-party providers like Google and Facebook.

How does Supabase handle user authentication compared to Firebase?

Supabase provides authentication services similar to Firebase, including user management, OAuth providers, and email/password authentication, offering an alternative to Firebase’s authentication functionalities.

Is it possible to use both Firebase and Supabase in a project?

Yes, it is possible to use both Firebase and Supabase in a project, leveraging the strengths of each platform for different aspects of the application’s backend infrastructure.

What are the differences between Firebase and Supabase in terms of storage options?

Firebase offers Firebase Storage for file uploads and downloads, while Supabase provides its own storage solution for managing binary data in applications.

What are the benefits of using Supabase over Firebase for a new project?

The benefits of using Supabase over Firebase for a new project include its open-source nature, real-time subscriptions, relational database offering, and the flexibility of its pricing model.


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